Friday, July 2, 2010

Is your pup afraid of fireworks?

4th of July is this weekend. Is your pup ready? Many pups are afraid of fireworks, even if they aren't afraid of other things like storms. Fireworks just don't happen very often, so it's not like the pups get a chance to get used to them. Imagine if you had no idea what was going on and heard all that noise?! Here are some tips for helping your pup survive fireworks season reprinted from Dogster.

Don’t be afraid to give your dog comfort. Be your dog’s advocate – do whatever you can to make her feel better during the storm.
Consider implementing some sort of a calming aid, such as sound therapy and perhaps a ThunderShirt
Avoid taking your dog to a fireworks display.  If you must leave her on the 4th, put her in her safe place and leave soothing music playing in your absence.
Keep your dog on leash at all times when outside for walks or potty breaks, even if you are not near a formal fireworks display, even if you are in your own backyard or neighborhood where she is reliable off the leash.
People may set fireworks off at family BBQs or picnics, so it’s best to leave your dog home if you’ll be attending these events.  If you insist on taking your dog, keep her on leash!  One of the most reliable dogs I ever knew off leash ended up disappearing and never being seen again when someone unexpectedly set off fireworks at a bonfire his owners had attended.  Frightened dogs are unpredictable dogs – use management tools to keep your dog safe.

With these tips, may you all have a fabulous and spectacular 4th of July! Eat lots of hamburgers and hot dogs, if you sneak a bite to your pups no one will tell. It's a celebration!

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