Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer can be as Tough as Winter on your Pup's Paws

Check out this info from the Dogster Daily Dog Tip:
Winter is finally gone and with it the threat of cracked or salt-burned paws. Unfortunately, summer brings with a new set of risks to your dog's feet. If you have a dog that has long hair in between the paw pads, it's a good idea to very carefully trim the fur there. This hair can be a magnet for all kinds of things, including burrs, foxtails, mud, thorns, sharp rocks or glass and debris. Examine your dog's feet immediately after a walk, and then clean them with a wet cloth. Much like salty sidewalks can burn your dog's feet in the winter, hot blacktop or asphalt in the summer can hurt your pet. During the summer, consider walking your dog very early in the morning or well after the sun sets. Before your walk, place your hand on the walking surface for a minute. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your pup's paws!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dogs and Storks Class

Are you one of the many All Wags families who is expecting a baby? Have you been to a Dogs and Storks class yet? Well, if not, you are in luck... Because we have another one coming up in July! The class is going to be on July 19 from 6:30-8:30 at All Wags. All Wags is covering the cost of the class so spots are limited. To sign up, you can either tell Karen next time you are at All Wags or you can email Donna who does the classes for us at This class is really important for preparing your dog for your baby, sign up today!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

4th of July Weekend Schedule

I'm sure that many of you are already thinking about your plans for 4th of July weekend. And, why not? Our nation's birthday and for many of us an extra day off work... Do your 4th of July plans include your pup coming to All Wags? If so, we want to make sure that you know that there will be no daycare on Monday, July 4th and also no boarding pick-ups or drop-offs. The pups who are boarding with us will be having plenty of fun with the All Wags employees who are there to play with them and take care of them, there just won't be anyone working the front. Enjoy your holiday weekend plans and we will enjoy hanging out with your pups and will be back open for daycare, boarding pick-ups and boarding drop-offs on Tuesday, July 5th.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No Cost Ways to Support your Local Shelter

Here is a great tip from Dogster:

With a few simple changes to your daily online behavior, you can support animal welfare organizations and your favorite local shelters and rescues without spending a penny. Here's how: Visit and and donate ten pieces of tasty kibble to shelter pets when you answer a daily trivia question at one or both of the sites. Put your daily web searches to work for pets with, a Yahoo-powered search engine donating a penny per search to the charity you choose. And begin your shopping at online malls or and a percentage of every purchase is donated to your favorite charity when you purchase online as usual.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lots and lots of pool parties!

In case you hadn't noticed, it has been crazy hot recently! (Right, like you hadn't noticed, Ha!) That means that we have been having a lot of pool parties at All Wags, basically all day every day. The pups love playing in the water and even the ones who don't love water will even dip their toes into the water and get some relief from the heat. The water makes such a fun additional element to the pups' day at All Wags and we love watching them have such a great time and enjoy the water with them. That means for the people at All Wags throwing lots of wet tennis balls and getting lots of wet doggie hugs and kisses, but we wouldn't want it any other way! Summer is a fabulous time to be a dog!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Golden Mix who desperately needs a home!

Please see below for info from Donna Rogers who does our Dogs and Storks classes... If anyone can help, please do!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June Issue of the All Wags Newsletter

The June issue of the All Wags newsletter has been posted to the website for your poolside (or in a pool since it has been so darn hot!) reading pleasure! This month we have a dog family of the month, the five pups of the McCauley family and their bios are fantastic and very entertaining. Thank you so much to the people portion of their family for writing those up for us and doing such and amazing job! We have an exciting new pass available, the bath pass and a fabulous coupon, lots of way to save! There are two very special adoptable dogs from the Humane Society of Charlotte. They are a pair of pups whose owner had to surrender them because of medical problems and would very much like them to find a loving home together. Do you or anyone you know have room for two more pups? If you are not receiving the email version of the newsletter and would like to, please email Karen or let her know the next time you are at All Wags.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sam & Madison … A Canine Pair Looking for a Forever Home Together

Do you have room in your heart, family and home for two more sweet dogs? See below for a very sad story that we hope can have a very happy ending!

Last week at the Humane Society of Charlotte, Sam, a very sweet shepherd mix (10 years old) alumni that was adopted as a puppy at HSC, along with his sister, Maddie, an aussie-shepherd mix (4 years old), also an alumni from a California Humane Society, were returned to us.  Here is their story and we h ope that a loving family will reach out to help these beautiful dogs.
Prior to Sam and Maddie returning to us, a volunteer noticed a  reference to the Humane Society of Charlotte on Craig’s List; it was copy reaching out with the hopes of finding a safe and loving home for them so they could remain together.  The volunteer contacted us and we immediately reached out to the adopter, who  was trying desperately to re-home his two canine family members due to serious health problems that were resulting in relocating out of the country.

The emotional day came last week,  when he surrendered his two friends.  It was one of the most difficult things that an owner can do.  Both dogs are healthy and up-to-date on their shots and are both housebroken.  Sam is a big happy goofball, who loves the kennels and the excitement of the people; his sister.  Maddie is a sweetheart but is very timid and just wants to find her new family.
If you are hoping to add two very special dogs to your family, please contact us about Sam and Maddie.  We are making accommodations for them in the kennels so they can be together, but they need to have the comfort of a new home full of love and comfort.
Even with the struggle that their owner is going through, he still emails us daily to check on them and we would love to share the great news that they are in a safe and loving home where they belong … together.
Please help us make this happen this week …. They deserve a happy ending.  
If you have the perfect home for these beautiful dogs, please contact the Charlotte Humane Society at 704-377-0534.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lost and Found

Jena and Cullie definitely had a scary Memorial Day weekend with a happy ending. Jena and Cullie were out at the Whitewater Center enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon when Cullie slipped out of her collar and ran away. Jena then started a huge hunt for Cullie and she was missing for nearly 30 hours, very scary! Though, I'm sure that Cullie was having a blast playing in the woods, her mama was worried sick! Jena ended up camping out in her car at the Whitewater Center and when she got to the point where she just had to fall asleep she decided to put her shirt on the outside of her car. She woke up to Cullie scratching at the shirt, she had been attracted to her mama's scent! They were both so happy to be back together!