With New Year's Eve fast approaching us, I'm sure that many of you have been thinking about your resolutions. It's about this time of year that us pups all hear you guys talk about resolving to get more exercise. Well, guess what? You're already ahead of the game by having us! A recent study has shown that people who have dogs and who walk them regularly get more exercise than the average gym-goer. The study, which quizzed 5,000 people, found that many dog owners walk their best friends a whopping eight hours a week! Those without dogs averaged 80 minutes a week at the gym, jogging, or walking. So, we are always willing to walk with you and we want you to be healthy and well. Maybe just make walking us your resolution, it sounds like it will pay off big time! Oh, and, if it's even possible, we'll love you even more for the extra walks!
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