So, if you came into All Wags today, you probably noticed a new little friend hanging out in the office. Right now the people are calling him Mojo and he is oh so cute! A man brought him in this morning and said that he had found him, he was thinking that maybe the pup had somehow escaped from All Wags or something. Well, no, and the people and I all had never seen this cute pup. The man asked if he could leave him and if All Wags would know what to do. Now, you know that my mama, Karen, couldn't say no to that sweet face or any dog for that matter. They took him to the vet and scanned for his microchip, but he doesn't have one. They called Animal Control and they are going to send his photo out in an email and put it in a book of found dogs, but without a microchip it's pretty hard to get him back home. Maybe someone will come looking for him, but for now, he's living at All Wags. That worked out pretty well for Cullie and Ella (the former Thelma and Louise).
OK, now the important part and this is from the bottom of my puppy, Rosie heart... We pups love you, our owners so much. However, sometimes we get away and wander and may not be able to find our way back even if nice people want to help us get home. Please, please make sure that you have a microchip in your pup. It's really the only way to be sure that they can find their way home. Even a collar with tags can fall off. It didn't even hurt me when I got the shot and now I know that I will always be able to find my way home.
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