Hey all of you All Wags-ers! It's Bruno, and, boy, am I glad to be back at All Wags and to have my dad, Tyler, back home. Vacations are great, but, you know, us dogs like our routines, that's just how we roll. Don't you people say something about absence making your heart grow or something like that? Well, I don't know about my heart growing, but my love for my dad surely grew while he was gone! I know it's like that for all of the others doggies too. I see a lot of All Wags moms and dads feel sad about leaving their dog but just know that your doggie is going to have a great time playing with furry friends and people friends while you are gone and then be sooooooooooo excited to see you when you get

back. Plus, us dogs are a little forgetful so we really don't remember how long you were gone, I guess we don't know time like you people do. It's cool, though, it just made it seem like my dad was gone for just a bit and then, bam, we were back together having a great time together! Just look at that smile on my face, I'm so happy!
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