Hi Everyone! I wanted to share with all of you a poem that my friend Simba's mom wrote for us the first time that she left Simba with us for boarding. This was accompanied with some yummy sweet treats that the people said were delicious...
I helped my mom make these sweets for you all,
For loving us pups, either big or small,
I’m sorry that sometimes I poo,
Where I know I’m not supposed to.
Thanks you for letting me, run, frolic and play for the day,
Mom says it helps when she tells me to sit and stay.
I show you my love with my hello and goodbye licks,
And now I come home ready to do my tricks.
Sometimes I know I get way out of line ,
Lets blame it on my wiggly spine.
But I put my ears back as my smile to you,
And I love when you say “look how much you grew”
My mom is scared to leave me alone,
So if anything is wrong, please call her phone.
She will be back Friday to pick me up,
So thanks for helping her, not to worry about her pup.
~ LOVE SIMBA (Puppy Rhodesian Ridge Back)
How cute is that?! Check out this great photo of my friends Simba and Cullie. It's funny because they looked so much alike when Simba was a baby puppy and now Simba is way bigger than Cullie. Have a happy weekend everyone! Don't forget to give your pups lots of love, we promise to lick you back!