Check out this info from the Dogster Daily Dog Tip:
Winter is finally gone and with it the threat of cracked or salt-burned paws. Unfortunately, summer brings with a new set of risks to your dog's feet. If you have a dog that has long hair in between the paw pads, it's a good idea to very carefully trim the fur there. This hair can be a magnet for all kinds of things, including burrs, foxtails, mud, thorns, sharp rocks or glass and debris. Examine your dog's feet immediately after a walk, and then clean them with a wet cloth. Much like salty sidewalks can burn your dog's feet in the winter, hot blacktop or asphalt in the summer can hurt your pet. During the summer, consider walking your dog very early in the morning or well after the sun sets. Before your walk, place your hand on the walking surface for a minute. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your pup's paws!
Winter is finally gone and with it the threat of cracked or salt-burned paws. Unfortunately, summer brings with a new set of risks to your dog's feet. If you have a dog that has long hair in between the paw pads, it's a good idea to very carefully trim the fur there. This hair can be a magnet for all kinds of things, including burrs, foxtails, mud, thorns, sharp rocks or glass and debris. Examine your dog's feet immediately after a walk, and then clean them with a wet cloth. Much like salty sidewalks can burn your dog's feet in the winter, hot blacktop or asphalt in the summer can hurt your pet. During the summer, consider walking your dog very early in the morning or well after the sun sets. Before your walk, place your hand on the walking surface for a minute. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your pup's paws!