Monday, August 31, 2009

Air Dog!

Check out the cool moves that my friend, Chess, has! I'm telling you, that guy loves to catch the ball, and for good reason too, he's obviously does it really well. Plus, I'd say he gets some style points for that move. The other pups are just staring at him in amazement! Chess is one of the dogs who comes to see us every day at All Wags and often on Saturdays too. He loves playing with us and we love playing with him! It's fun for us pups to have a fun thing to do while our people work. We understand that this work thing is what makes it so we can have things like toys and food, so that's OK by us!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tobie's Birthday Cake

Today is my friend Tobie's birthday, and guess what? His mom made him the greatest cake to celebrate! She brought it to All Wags and I got to try some and it was very delicious! She made it with all puppy-friendly ingredients which may be yucky to people in a cake but for us, it's amazingly yummy! Plus, it was decorated with paw prints and in the shape of the bone. Perfect for us pups! Now, here's the best part, your pup can have one too! Tobie's mom, Jessica, wants to start making these and selling them for All Wags customers. They are only $20 each and, as you can see from the photo, are plenty big enough for pups to share. It would make your pups birthday so special! You can ask my mom, Karen, for more details. She can do all sorts of colors, anything you want really for the decorations! You can get creative and do something really special and fun! I think she did an awesome job!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another All Wags Happy Ending

Hi Everyone! I wanted to introduce myself, maybe you have seen me around... My name is Rocco and I'm one of the two little black puppies that you have probably seen curled up asleep in the All Wags office. In this photo I am sleeping on Nova. Some of you have even snuggled me and I thank you for that! Well, I'm happy to announce that my sister and I have new forever homes! We had a rough start in this world, we were at a place called the Gaston County Animal Shelter and the people there were going to have to put us down because we hadn't been weened from our mom. I don't know all about what this putting down thing is but it sounds like a very bad thing. Some very kind people brought us to All Wags so that we would have a chance to find a home.
Enough sadness, though, because our story has a very happy ending! My sister got adopted and is going to live with Maria (who works at All Wags) and our mom went to live with another All Wags family. The great thing about that is that it means we will all still be able to see each
other. Not only do I have a new family, but I have a puppy big brother named Jake. Jake is snuggling with Maria in this photo. Don't we kind of look like we could be related? Jake's dad came into All Wags and saw me, and, well, he fell in love with me (I am pretty cute, if I do say so myself). My new family owns a great Italian restaurant so there are always fabulous smells at my new house. I'm so, so happy! Thanks to everyone who helped to get me my awesome new life!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A great tip to help your dog return home!

So, today was a little stressful... My mom got a call from Jena at school and Cullie had gotten out and they couldn't find her. We were so very worried about her! The good news is that Cullie is back home safe and sound. She had a grand 12 hour adventure and who knows where she was. I can't wait until she comes to All Wags againa so she can tell me her stories. Too bad dogs can't talk on the phone... Jena searched and searched and asked around. Different people had spotted her, but Jena never did. She finally decided that she probably needed to just go home and start searching again the next day. But, she had heard a tip to place dirty clothes in your bushes if your dog ever gets out and that the dog will sniff them and come on home. Well, she did that and Cullie must have picked up the scent because shortly after Jena did that, she looked outside and Cullie was sniffing at the clothes! She smelled her mama and came right on home, a happy ending! So, if your pup ever gets out, try putting some dirty clothes in the bushes. The smellier the better, we like your scent! It just may be the thing that leads your pup back home!

Oh, I also wanted to show off this cute photo of Kennan and Georgia! They are best friends and just hanging out and holding hands!

Friday, August 21, 2009

All Wags- Our Other Home

Hi Everyone! It's Mandy and Ella! We wanted to steal the blog away from Rosie for a day to tell All Wags how special it and they all are to us. Our mom is away on a trip for a week, and, trust us, we absolutely adore our dad, but the house just isn't the same without mom, ya know? Well, we're lucky because Dad is taking us to All Wags pretty much every day that she is gone. He keeps saying something about how it helps him too, so I guess that's good for him then also. The great thing is that All Wags is like a second home for us, it's another place, other than our house, in this world where we feel really, really comfortable and loved. I think you humans have a saying like a home away from home, and that is what All Wags is to us. And, the people are like our family. So, while our home is a little different for the next couple days, All Wags is a constant and makes us super happy. Then too, when we get home to Dad, we can just snuggle with him, which is a great thing for everyone!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Animal Kneads Day 2009

Have you all had Great Harvest Bread? Let me tell you, it is delicious! Would you like to get some yummy bread and help control the animal population? Well, you're in luck because this weekend, you can do just that. All Wags will be helping to support Animal Kneads Day at The Great Harvet Bread Company with Animal Care & Control. The bakery opens on a Sunday (which is not a regular business day), the owners and staff donate their time and the ingredients to make hundreds of loaves of bread (seriously, aren't they awesome?!). Volunteers from Animal Care & Control staff the counter and offer the bread to the public for a donation of $10.00 a loaf. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Animal Care and Control Free Public Spay & Neuter Fund. We hope to see you on Sunday, August 23rd (this Sunday!) from 10am-4pm. The address is 6420 Rea Road (the Shops at Piper Glen). All Wags is super excited to be a part of this year's event!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Help us collect food for pets in need

All Wags is partnering with Animal Control and Second Harvest Food Bank to collect food for pets in need. My mom tells me that something called the economy isn't doing so great right now and some people don't have the money to take care of their furry kids any longer and are having to give them away. This is really sad to me and I'm glad that we are doing something to help. You've probably noticed the big barrel in the lobby. Well, if you can, please donate some food, anything will help! So far the Food Bank Program has collected 78,427 pounds of pet food, and we're really happy to be able to help collect more! There is no time frame for this, just bring in the food when you can. All types of pet foods are needed. Dog, cat, puppy, and kitten. Dry and canned foods are needed. They will be distributing the food back to the public, so they can't accept opened food containers (I hope you understand). Also, they prefer 10 pound bags or less because they are easier to store and distribute. Thanks in advance from All Wags and also from all of the families that we will be able to help!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An old friend comes back

Some friends just can't stay away, and we love that so much. Our friend, Jake G. used to get to come to All Wags all the time. Then, he and his family moved away to Virginia. He missed us, and we missed him. Well, guess what? His family went away on a trip and they brought Jake to All Wags to board! We're so happy to see our old friend! He is loving being back with his old friends, it's like he got to take a vacation too!

Friday, August 14, 2009

All Wags' Ladies Man

This is my buddy, Trenton, and he loves the ladies. Can't you just tell how he is romancing Brooks? His current girlfriend is Sonoma, but he also kind of likes Greta. It's hard to keep it straight with this guy. There sure would be a lot of drama if the ladies found out about each other! But, look at the guy! I mean, he's so handsome that the ladies just can't help falling for him. I'm getting a little fluttered just thinking about my buddy. And,  I know his mama loves him too and he loves her so very much. He tells me all the time, and that's the best kind of love their is!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ivan's yellow All Wags tag saved the day!

So, this morning we got a call from a pool supply place and you'll never believe what they had to say! They had found a dog and the only tag that was left on his collar had the All Wags number on the front and on the back it said "Ivan." Our poor friend, Ivan, had gotten out! My mom, Karen, immediately called Ivan's mom and she was hysterical with worry. She had been looking for Ivan and was so happy to get our phone call. When my mom ordered those tags, she always kind of had that purpose in the back of her mind, even though, she was hoping that none of them would ever have to be used for that purpose! We're so glad that Ivan is back at home, safe and sound! Hooray for Ivan's yellow tag and thank you to the pool supply place for caring so much to help Ivan find his way home!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Handing out Water at the Animal Control Rabies Clinic

Today my people friends, Josh and Kelly, went to the free rabies clinic at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Care & Control and handed out water to all of the people and dogs while they waited. Diamond Springs was nice enough to donate the water to us so that we could hand it out. Getting a rabies shot is really important to us pups, it keeps us healthy, but some people just can't afford to get that done for their pups even though they love them very much. That is why it is so great that Animal Control puts on these free rabies clinics. They do it once a month and so many people come out! The parking lot was crazy and some people waited 4+ hours. That shows a lot of love for their furry friends! It's so great that so may people can be helped with this clinic and helps those pups have even greater lives. All Wags is so glad to be a part of it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Found Puppy now has a Home!

Hey Everyone! Remember the little found puppy who was staying at All Wags? Well, guess what?! He has a forever home now (the best kind)! Stella's mama came in and just thought that he was the cutest, sweetest little boy. She took him home to see how he liked living with them and he did and they all loved him too. His new name is Maynard and he has a new loving family complete with a big puppy sister to watch over him. Even better, he still gets to come and see us at All Wags and play! Now, isn't that just a happy story!?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sometimes pups just want to chew on hats...

I'm sure that you all know that most of us pups are just silly by nature. We sure do love making you laugh and smile (it warms our hearts, and I know it does yours) This is my friend, Zoey. When it came time to take her birthday photo, she had other ideas and really just wanted to chew on the hat. This is just Zoey being Zoey and, essentially a dog being a dog. My mom says that's best and that's why she just loves All Wags so much. She says that it's a great place for a dog to just be a dog, and I certainly agree. I'd say that Zoey does too... Because, you know, sometimes we just want to chew on hats and better the birthday hats at All Wags than your brand new baseball cap or, worse yet, shoes (high heels are the most delicious). All Wags gives us something to do all day while you are at work and we all love and thank our people moms and dads for bringing us. Big, wet, sloppy kisses to you all!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Good Luck, Tyler!

Good luck to my people brother, Tyler! Friday was his last day working full time at All Wags and he is now off to Blue Ridge Community College to play baseball. Our whole family, especially his baby boy, Bruno, are so happy for him. You will still see him around at All Wags when he is on breaks and stuff. You know he couldn't stay away! My other people brother, Josh, is going to be taking over and helping my mom out, so you will be seeing a lot of him now. He's Nova's dad, in case you didn't know, and is about to have a people baby, hooray! You will also notice a lot more of Brooks, she is going to be working up front a lot more since Tyler is leaving. They tell me that she is going to be my sister in awe soon. I'm not so sure what she is going to be so surprised about, but she will be in my family, which makes me very happy, and we are so happy to have so much of our family working at All Wags. So, lots of changes going on at All Wags, but they are all good. Lots of happy times!